Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Come on tour in San Jose and museums!

I have one month expected to be May 18. The reason? I enjoyed both the past Art City Tour, held on Wednesday 18 April, that I was not wanting to miss even once more. Of course, this Friday night, I will work, but I'm not selfish, so I tell my experience to others crave, take advantage of it and live it fully.
The Art City Tour , organized by  Cultural GAM is done once a month for five hours, and promoting tours by bus and on foot through museums, galleries, cultural centers and alternative spaces in downtown San Jose and Amon and Escalante neighborhoods.
What was it that I liked? I have it clear: to see a happy crowd walking through San Jose and enjoy museums, in a very friendly and very curious art, people who believe and value. Achieving this is, no doubt, an enormous contribution to bringing people to art and positive appropriation of the city.
That Wednesday was no longer a normal day in San Jose, one day at 5 pm Thereafter, museums and galleries were filled with curious common vans and electric began to transport groups of people through the center of the capital free, in addition, children and young people joined the party without regard to their artistic bedtime or classes the next day.
I started by the Central Bank Museums to 6 pm, with a lot of people, especially families who were to enjoy the ever-attractive terms of this cultural complex. It was impressive: in the display felines in the archeology of Costa Rica, a cramped walk, listening to laughter, funny comments about the various animals that had the show and saw all appropriate art, natural history and biology to a playful, entertaining and very natural.
We all tried the wooden masks of the jaguar, tiger, ocelot, and even did our best roar for video phones. There, I met Daniel, age 3, who was happy jaguar mask and posed for the picture I did Maday Montiel, 29, and Jorge Jimenez, 33, confessed that they are avid followers of the Art City Tour . "It's a good initiative. We get used to Daniel to come with us to these things. Give a room to visit areas of art, sometimes you can not afford socioeconomically, "said the young woman.
I kept visiting the museum and in the Gold Museum, I found a small stand of indigenous crafts Láscarez Dominga, 50 and resident of Rey Curre. How have you been in business? "So-so, but can be improved. The gourds are the ones they like everyone, "he told this woman, creator of those pieces with his mother, Cruz Ortiz, 67. Is it hard being an artisan? "Yes, of course. Every day we work and work. All my life I worked hard, from 6 years, "he said.
With taste, had followed in this museum, but had to follow the tour . I took a bus free, comfortable and well labeled due to the Alliance Francaise. There was another good surprise to be known, the store Chietón Morén (Good Deal) exhibited and sold works of different indigenous communities in the country, as Boruca Quitirrisí Mora and Térraba, among others. Offering masks, textiles, musical instruments, necklaces and other pieces.According to Pilar Ureña, coordinator of this project, helping them to 117 artisans selling their works in a shop located behind the church of La Dolorosa, San Jose, once a month, they bring with them items and pay them directly, intermediaries who are left without a good piece.
Buseta could expect, but I decided to go walk to the Museum of Jade, which is on the ground floor of the National Insurance Institute (INS). At 8:30 pm, this was another llenazo: kids happy seeing the myriad of objects shown in this space on your windows, families and babies yet, strangers, friends. The most singular was listening to a teenager, still dressed in uniform college, said this through the cell, "Mommy, Mommy, no, not yet pick us up. We have to go to other places, we are in the museum of the INS, which is very large. Porfa, porfa, come later; porfa, Mommy, okay? "Judging by the gesture of victory, they would stay longer on this tour Josephine.
I went back to the bus and got off at the kiosk Sjo and restaurant Kaloo , ie there I opened up a world of temptations for consumption and appetite: the kiosk with their product offering sustainable design and Kaloo with Costa Rican menu.
I returned to the vans to let me in the corner of the sundial National Cultural Center (Cenac). I was so happy that the first thing I did was ask, "When is the next Art City Tour?" May 18, they said, and immediately put it into my schedule.
I can not go and, really, sorry for this tour showed me spaces filled with good range of cultural, people's passion for art (if you allow you to zoom) and some benefits that do not always show in San Jose daily life.
This Friday, the Art City Tour held on International Museum Day, so we have a wide range of museums, galleries, cultural centers and other spaces. Meal! and tell me how they fare on the route, to experience the tour through the experiences of others.

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