Friday, 21 September 2012

How To Increase Internet Speed :- Trick 100% Working

Tips and Tricks to Increase the Speed of Your Slow Internet Connection:- Dear Friends, I know many of you are not happy with your slow internet connections speed. My Internet speed was also like yours. But when I applied this trick I was amazed with by browsing speed. The below given tip has been tested by myself and I got better net speeds and browsing speed. I hope you will get same results as mine. So please try this trick once. Good Luck! Step1. Click on the start button. Then Type gpedit.msc on the search bar and then press enter button. Then a Local Group Policy Editor Window will appear. Step2. Then in Group Policy window click on Computer configuration menu. Then click on Administrative Templates. Step3. Then click on Network. Then under the Network menu click on Q0S Packet Scheduler. Step4. Under the Q0S Packet Scheduler menu double click on Limit reservable Bandwidth option. Step5. Then in Limit reservable Bandwidth window you will find that the settings and are disabled. But by default Limit reservable Bandwidth is eating your internet speed by 20%. In this you have to do a simple thing. Click on enable button in Limit reservable Bandwidth menu. Then reduce the Bandwidth by 0%. Step6. Then Click on apply button. Then restart your computer. Congratulation you are done now. Now connect the internet this time. Then see the difference in internet connection or your browsing speed. I think you will be surprised by the results. Enjoy! For the best results scan your PC by good antivirus and remove all the virus if found. Secondly Remove all the Hard Drives's junk files and errors. You can remove hard drive error's by freeware open source software named "C Cleaner"

Top 10 Internet tips and tricks

You don't need the http:// portion of a web page When typing an Internet address you do not need to type http:// or even www. in the address. For example, if you wanted to visit Computer Hope you could just type and press enter. To make things even quicker, if you're visiting a .com address you can type computerhope and then press Ctrl + Enter to type out the full address. Quickly move between the fields of a web page If you're filling out an online form, e-mail, or other text field you can quickly move between each of the fields by pressing the Tab key or Shift + Tab to move back a field. For example, if you're filling out your name and the next field is your e-mail address you can press the Tab key to switch to the e-mail field. Tip: This tip also applies to the buttons, if you press tab and the web developer has designed correctly the button should be selected and will allow you to press the space bar or enter to push the button. Tip: If you have a drop-down box that lists every country or every state you can click that box and then press the letter of the state or country you're looking for. For example, is a drop-down box of States in the United States you could press u on the keyboard to quickly scroll to Utah. Use Internet search engines to their full potential Make sure to get the most out of every search result. If you're not finding what you want try surrounding the text in quotes. For example, if you were searching for 'computer help' this actually searches for pages that contain both computer and help and not necessarily pages that have computer and help next to each other. If you search for "computer help" with the quotes around the search query this will only return pages that actually have computer and help next to each other. Tip: Many new computer users also don't realize that in every search box you can press enter instead of having to move the mouse button over to the Search button. Top 10 unknown Google tricks Protect yourself and avoid bad web sites How can I protect myself while online? Avoid Internet phishing. Protecting children from harmful material and people on the Internet. Know your Internet browser shortcuts There are dozens of different shortcut keys that can be used with Internet browsers. Below are a few of our top suggested Internet browser shortcuts. - Pressing Alt + D in any major Internet browser will move the cursor into the address bar. This is a great way to quickly enter an Internet address without having to click the mouse cursor in the address bar. - Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + or - to increase and decrease the size of text. - Press the backspace key or hold down the Alt key + left arrow to go back a page. - Press F5 to refresh or reload a web page. - Press F11 to make the Internet browser screen full screen. - Press Ctrl + B to open your Internet bookmarks. - Press Ctrl + F to open the find box in the browser to search for text within the web page you're looking at. Full listing of Internet Explorer shortcut keys. Full listing of Mozilla Firefox shortcut keys. Take advantage of tabbed browsing Take full advantage of tabbed browsing in all Internet browsers today. While reading any web page if you come across a link you may be interested in open that link in a new tab so it can be viewed later. A new tab can be opened by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the link or if you have a mouse with a wheel click the link with the middle mouse button. Try alternative browsers Most computer users use the default browser that comes included with the computer, with Microsoft Windows this is Internet Explorer. There are several great alternative browsers that are all free to download and use and may have features your current browser does not include. Below are a few of our favorites, try one or try them all. Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Install plugins and add-ons Each of the above alternative browsers also have a large community of volunteers who develop add-ons and plugins that can be added into the browser. Each of these browsers have hundreds of thousands of these add-ons that can do such things as giving you live weather in your browser window, changing its color, and adding additional functionality. Top 10 Firefox add-ons Make sure your browser and its plugins are up-to-date Each Internet browser can have several additional plugins that give it additional functionality. For example, Adobe Flash is a great way to bring movies and other animated content to the Internet. Keeping these plugins up-to-date is vital for your computer stability and also security. Using the below tool you can quickly verify if your plugins are up-to-date and get links to where to download the latest updates. Computer Hope system information tool Use online services There are hundreds of free online services that can help make using your computer easier, more productive, and more enjoyable. See our top 10 online services for a listing of our favorites.

CSS-Tricks Chronicle Vol. IV

I had a weird problem this week where some mobile devices just weren't picking up on some CSS that was clearly linked to and loading on the vast majority of other browsers. It wasn't user agent based (I tried faking it). It wasn't screen size based. It was the device itself somehow. Turns out, I'm an idiot. I was doing this to @import the CSS: @import "css/style.css"; Because, that's how you do it in Sass or LESS. Turns out that actually works in CSS in most browsers, but it's incorrect of course. This is correct: @import url("css/style.css"); I could have fixed it by doing it correctly, but instead I fixed it by not using and @import which is pretty much always bad. Much better to get the CSS right in that stylesheet. Update: Not using url() is valid per the spec, but tell that to some mobile browsers! (Thx Tab Atkins) I've been bug fixing galore all week on this new design and I suspect there are many more weeks to come where most of my day is improving this design. I turned on Twitter Cards data (about), as part of Joost De Valk's awesome SEO Plugin for WordPress. We'll see if they start working, that'd be kinda neat. I still think Twitter is awesome even though this is sad to me. I've been spending my evenings preparing my brand new talk and workshop for BD Conf. They are both going to be about "A Web Designer's Workflow" and draw heavily upon my recent experience redesigning this site. I changed over the video hosting for The Lodge videos over to Vimeo Pro. I'm hoping it is basically faster, provides a nicer player, supports more devices, and all while staying very high quality. The only hitch in the giddyup so far is that the Vimeo player is having trouble on the Kindle Fire and a few other Android tablets. I'm hoping this can be worked out. CodePen is now on some big new fancy servers thanks to Tim Sabat, our server guy. In theory these bad boys will be scaleable for us forever.

WordPress Plugins I Use S

I think this is a fun and useful style of post that any WordPress blogger can do. It's always interesting to hear in what ways people are extending what WordPress can do out of the box. I'll share the ones I'm using here on CSS-Tricks then you can share yours (either in the comments or in a post on your own WordPress site). My list is quite a bit different than the last time I did this in 2008. If you have some better alternatives to the ones I'm using, I'm always interested in that, too.
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